
DetentionSlip.Org is the Number One Education Blog

Voted as the number one education blog by Time Magazine, the Blogger’s Choice Awards and, the website,, gives readers a daily dose of what is new and hot in the education world.
With a byline as “your daily cheat-sheet for education news,” the website loves the idea of free, quality and public education and is quick to point out the hypocrisies and untruths that get in the way of providing a real solution to the country’s misaligned educational system.
By writing whimsical editorials and unabashedly honest articles, gives comic relief to teachers, school administrators, students, parents and taxpayers that feel a sense of despair when it comes to education.
From the very serious stories that are affecting students to the sensationalized stories, the website features fresh daily content on the happenings of teachers, students and policies affecting those in the academic system from around the country. By scouring through tons of local and national newspapers, gathers those stories that have you wondering if you’re reading an article from The Onion or a genuine, real-life story.
It also gives a voice to overwhelmed teachers by allowing them to submit their most outrageous or ridiculous detention slips.
As a caveat before you start reading, all of the stories the website covers are true events from around the nation.
Just don’t expect to walk away feeling optimistic about those who fill up the country’s classrooms, PTA boards and break rooms after reading an entry or two from DetentionSlip. But you might feel a bit better about yourself, your classmates or your students when you learn that it wasn’t your study partner who created a homemade blow torch for a science project that blew up the school bathroom.