
Texas Students Must Get Meningitis Shot Before Moving On Campus

If you are going to be attending college in the state of Texas this school year, you need a meningitis shot before you can move into your on-campus apartment or dorm room.
There is a new state law in Texas that all entering freshmen have to have this shot prior to moving into their dorm rooms. Unfortunately, despite the many efforts of colleges in Texas to get this information to their incoming students, several of them still have not gotten their shots, and are unable to move to campus until they have provided the documentation showing they have received it. Aside from getting the shot, there is also a 10 day incubation period that all students must go through, which means that even if you get the shot four days before you’re supposed to move in, you still will not be allowed into the dorms until day 10.
Schools have made every attempt to stay on top of reminding students about getting their shot. They have enclosed reminders in acceptance letters, made mention of the law during orientation, sent out emails and letters and even made phone calls to students’ homes. Some of the major schools affected by this new law include University of North Texas, Texas A&M University, Southern Methodist University and the University of Texas at Austin. Unfortunately, students have still been falling short on getting their shots. North Texas has the highest number of students without shots at eight percent.
If you are going to be a new student at a college in Texas, you need the meningitis shot. There is no getting around it and you must allot the 10 day waiting period. Some of the colleges in Texas offer the shot on campus for your convenience. For those that cannot commute from home, that means trying to find a hotel room near campus. If you will be attending a Texas college and have not received your meningitis shot, put this on your immediate to-do list.
Taken from Dallas News