
East High School says Welcome Back!

August 14th finally rolled around and I couldn’t have been more excited! It was the first day of school and what made it even more exciting was the fact it was the first day of my SENIOR year! I got to school early to meet up with my friends and I don’t think we could have been more excited! We walked around saying to each other “09?…09!” Nerdy I know, but we were just so excited to finally be starting our senior year at East High.
The first day jitters I had experienced the previous years seemed to just disappear. As I walked into the school and around the rest of the day I held myself high because I knew that I was now at the top of the totem pole! My friends and I were untouchable, or so it seemed. It is finally our turn to rule the school and we can hardly wait to see what the school year has to offer us!
Although being a senior is amazing, it is also very humbling in a sense. The under classmen are expected to respect you, but at the same time, I feel that the same under classmen deserve respect from me in return. Sure, occasionally scaring one may be slightly entertaining, but remembered how I felt being a freshman or even a sophomore, I felt more sympathetic towards the younger students and tried not to come off as too cocky or scary, because I want to be like a lot of the seniors I knew the past years. The seniors I knew were far from scary and treated us under classmen as one of them. That is how I want to present myself to the other students; I want them to view me as approachable.
So as I walked through the halls of East High the very first day of my senior year not only did I feel like I was on top of the world, I also wanted the younger students to see me and look up to me rather than view me as someone scary just because they are a senior. Let’s hope the rest of my school year goes just as smooth as my first day back!