
eCampus Entourage Helps Students Save on Textbooks

Finding money for expensive textbooks can be a major source of stress for college students, with many campus bookstores selling at premium rates. The online textbook source is launching a new program that might make saving money on books a little easier. It’s called eCampus Entourage, a loyalty program designed to reward college students for promoting the eCampus textbook site and recruiting their friends.
The eCampus site offers a number of money-saving solutions, such as textbook rentals. It’s free to join on, which gives members 5% off everything at, and a unique coupon code.
Every time someone uses that code to rent their books, the member earns $5.00. Entourage members can distribute their unique coupon via social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter or their personal blogs. You might think of it as providing real world marketing and social media experience.
There’s also the chance to get free eCampus stuff. Sounds like a fun way to make textbooks a little bit cheaper.
Check-out eCampus today!