
How to Study Abroad without Breaking the Bank

Studying abroad is one of the best things you can do during college, in my opinion. I studied abroad twice in two different countries and learned a lot more than just the subjects that I studied during my class hours. Studying abroad is a great way to learn a new language or learn another culture and way of life. You can take classes that relate to your major, or you can study something that is completely unrelated to your major. Either way, you are going to learn lessons about yourself and how you relate to other people that I feel are impossible to do while living in your own country.
So, studying abroad is fantastic. It makes you a better person. It’s a life changing opportunity and everyone should take advantage of it during college. Great. But it can also be very expensive, especially if you don’t know some of the tricks to the trade. Luckily for you, I happen to be a pro at this (or at least that’s what I tell myself) and I’m willing to share some tips for studying abroad in some of the hottest study abroad locations in the world.
EDUinReview will be releasing a series of posts this school year that will focus on traveling and living abroad in some of the best locations in the world. This series will provide you with valuable information about living in a foreign country, such as which tourists attractions are really worth your time and money, which restaurants to eat at and which ones to avoid like the plague, and how to really experience the culture of the place you are living in. If you have already decided on a place to study abroad at, these posts will help prepare you for the great adventure you are about to embark on. If you haven’t decided, they can serve as a great resource for you. Either way, it’s going to be a great way to learn how to really study abroad without spending your entire life-savings. Who can say no to that, right?
Check out all the cities featured in this series:

  • Sevilla, Spain
  • Tokyo, Japan
  • Madrid, Spain
  • Prague, Czech Republic
  • Munich, Germany
  • Vienna, Austria
  • Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • London, England
  • Dublin, Ireland
  • Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Mexico City, Mexico
  • Beijing, China
  • Barcelona, Spain
  • Verona, Italy

So stay tuned and get ready to learn How to Study Abroad without Breaking the Bank with EDUinReview!
See Also:
How to Be a College Budget Traveler
The Top 7 Study Abroad Locations