
Elementary School Teachers Tie the Knot in Front of Students

Photo Credit: Carlos Avila Gonzalez for The San Francisco Chronicle
It is fairly common for you to hear that teachers devote their whole lives to teaching, students and the schools they work for, but when two teachers decided to have their wedding at the school they teach at, many people where shocked.
The wedding ceremony itself was a complete surprise to the students at Hillcrest Elementary School in Oakland, who heard the sound of the wedding march in June on their last day of school. Students were then shuffled into the schoolyard to see first grade teacher Candace Chang in a wedding dress and the school’s physical education teacher Jesse Inclan for the first time in a suit and tie, and not his typical gym class attire.
35-year-old Chang married fiance 50-year-old Inclan, who is from Mexico City in front of their 300 students, who enjoyed cupcakes following the six minute long ceremony.
With their Principal Beverly Rothenberg officiating, their marriage was legal. Although the couple officially met in 2003, they were not even friends until 2006. The love affair was not a shock to colleagues who had speculated about a connection and it was rumored in the school that the two had been secretly dating for over a year. Chang confirmed, however, that the romance started earlier than a year ago, in 2007, after a morning talk between her and Inclan about progressing their friendship to a relationship.
Chang and Inclan were reportedly happy to share their special day and the commitment of their eternal love with their students and colleagues, especially in the place that brought them together.
“A perfect wedding day, the moment of the wedding kiss was most amusing. With students ranging from kindergarten to eighth grade, there were both oooooooohs and eeewwwwws,” Chang told the San Francisco Chronicle.