
English Professors Invite Anyone to Contribute to Presidential-Inauguration Blog

Got thoughts about, praise for, or criticisms of the festivities celebrating Barack Obama’s inauguration? Are you in Washington and eager to offer a quick report or photograph from the scene? Submit any of the above to a new blog created by two English professors at Miami University of Ohio, who say they will not turn away any on-topic submission. In fact all submitted items are automatically posted to the blog.

The professors call the project ‘a radically inclusive inaugural anthology,’ but it’s basically a straightforward experiment in participatory journalism. They call it Post_Moot.

Dozens of people from around the world, many of them professors, have contributed since the blog fired up this weekend. The creators, William R. Howe, a visiting professor of English, and Chris Cheek, an associate professor of English, sent word about the project to several academic e-mail lists to seek submissions.

(Via The Chronicle: Wired Campus Blog.)