
Facebook Users' Grades Worse than Non-Users

For college students spending too much time on Facebook, the results will show on your report cards, according to a new study conducted at Ohio State University.
The study’s co-author, Aryn Karpinski, clarifies that there are “many third variables that need to be studied,” but defends that a relationship does exist. Her study found that students who use Facebook tend to have GPAs in the 3.0-3.5 range and study one to five hours each week, while those who do not use Facebook have GPAs in the 3.5-4.0 range and study 11 to 15 hours each week.
She says Facebook might not be the guilty party, that this could be an indicator that students who in general study less and enjoy their free time will see a hit to their grades. The study also found that those who have jobs spend less time on Facebook, whereas those involved in more social activities and organizations are active on Facebook.
With a reported 85% of undergrads killing time on the social site (look at Amherst College where 99% of their freshman class is on Facebook), there are bound to be more studies like this one, and a deeper look at the correlations found in this one.

Karpinski said in an interview with LiveScience “They’re very territorial about their Facebook,” when she mentioned students quickly defended their use of the social site.