
Fight the Book Barons With Textbook Revolt

Students, want to save some serious money on textbooks? Then here’s a website you should check out: Textbook Revolt. I don’t usually promote websites, but this is one that really caught my attention.
Textbook Revolt is a textbook exchange network. Students use a book for class, and when they’re done with it, they offer the book for free to anyone who wants it. The idea is that students will get books for free when they need them, and then donate books to others who need them in turn.
Wow, I wish there had been a system like this when I was a student. Back then, we were really at the mercy of what the campus bookstore and the publishing companies wanted to charge us, which, of course, was plenty. There weren’t many other choices, other than to buy and sell books between students or comb through a used book store. Today, thanks to the Internet, it’s not much work at all to find ways to fight the power of the bookstores and publishing companies who for years have been milking students for all they could. There are dozens of websites where students can purchase used books for much cheaper than they cost at the campus bookstore, and plenty of places for students to sell books once the semester is over.
But Textbook Revolt takes this system to another level. Good for them!
See more cheap textbook solutions.