
Five Prom Dress No-No's

Well, Prom season is upon us! For many young ladies, picking out their prom dress is the second most important shopping experience of their lives, second only to picking out their wedding dress. The trends change every year: different lengths, colors, hemlines, and details come in and out of style. For example, in the 1980s, bright colors and short skirts were definitely in style. I went to my senior prom in 2007 in a floor length, strapless number that reminded me of Cinderella. This year, the trends seem to favor a short dress in softer hues.
Going with the trend is a safe bet for prom. However, many girls like to stand out from the crowd in their prom dresses. Unfortunately, this can lead to disaster if you end up picking a dress that is a fashion faux-pas. If you do not want to go with the standard dresses that everyone else will be wearing this year, but want to avoid a “what was I thinking?” moment, make sure to avoid these five disaster zones:

Frothy, frilly, lingerie style dresses. Even if you have killer arms and legs and want to show them off, these dresses are not appropriate for your prom. If you even have to ask yourself if it could perform double-duty as your pajamas after the big dance, walk away.
Extreme animal prints. Is your dress zebra print, leopard print, or tiger print? If you answered all three, then maybe you should rethink wearing your dress to prom. Animal print can be cute, quirky, and fun when used in moderation. However, you do not want to look like an African safari took up residence on your dress.
Sickly green. Green is my favorite color in the entire world, so this little bit of advice cuts me deeply. However, the truth is, most people can’t pull off wearing a green dress without looking slightly green themselves. If you are not one of the few who can handle this hue, pick another shade.
Skank-tastic. Sorry ladies, but this needs to be said. If you dress obviously defies your school’s dress code or you would be embarrassed to wear it in front of your grandma and grandpa, maybe you should reconsider wearing it. Chances are that your parents will end up taking pictures of you in your less-than-covering prom dress, and Granny and Gramps will end up seeing much more of their sweet granddaughter than they wanted.
White, black, or grey. Come on, this isn’t your wedding or a funeral; add some brightness to your wardrobe! Prom is the chance to wear a colorful dress, so don’t waste that opportunity. Save the neutral colors for another event. (The one amendment to this rule: If you have very bright accessories and need a neutral dress to let your accessories really shine.)
Did I put your dress on the no-no list? Tell me why it’s actually a good dress idea in the comment section below!
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