
Flooding at the University of Iowa

Most summer school students have the same kinds of concerns, like doing well in your time-intensive classes, or trying to balance classes and jobs while still enjoying the great weather.But if you’re a student at the University of Iowa this summer, your life is a whole lot more complicated.Like much of the state of Iowa, the University has suffered severe flooding, and the town and the campus has been dealing with sandbagging, evacuations, and severe flood damage.Read about what’s going on in this Iowa City Press Citizen article:

Thanks to YouTube, students and others on campus have been sharing images of what’s going on. Here ares some images of the flooding on campus.

Here’s another video that shows volunteers preparing for the flooding:

My heart goes out to everyone at the University of Iowa. I visited Iowa City a few years back, and was surprised at how beautiful, cosmopolitan, and funky the campus was–right in the middle of Iowa. I can only imagine how expensive it will be to repair this mess, and how life on campus will be affected.