
Florida Schools Trade Textbooks for Kindles

Another school is choosing digital textbooks over traditionally bound books. At Clearwater High School in Florida, 2700 students received Kindles today. They will be using the digital reader in math, English and science classes. Principal Keith Mastorides hopes to introduce even more e-textbooks in the future.
The school has found that not all of the desired textbooks that are available are usable on the Kindle. “With the textbook companies, this is new,” Mastorides said. “None of their books are Kindlized.” Cost posed another difficulty. “We do have to work really hard to get our textbook companies to give us a break on the online version,” said Pinellas County School Superintendent Julie Janssen. She did report that the school managed to save about 25 percent on textbooks this year.
Students at Clearwater are extremely excited about the new technology. “It will help us because it will make things a lot easier,” said student Emma Louck. Many critics, however, are concerned about the expensive devices being lost or stolen.
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