
Flying Car Takes to the Air

Human transition occurs when revolutionary inventions take place. Case in point, the printing press, the automobile, the computer, and now the flying car. A company called Terrafugia, with the help of some MIT students, has built a flying car they dubbed the Transition.
The Transition does as its name implies. At the push of two buttons, the car will transform into a plane or vice versa. The concept of the flying car has been tinkered with for several years. Upon winning a design contest in 2006, Terrafugia was well on its way to making their design a reality.
They began by designing a plane, which was street legal, and ended up with a car that could also take to the air. This difference of conception led to a vehicle with benefits both on and off the road. The result of this testing is a car capable of highway driving and a plane with a cruising speed of around 115 miles per hour.
This is the first flying car, which has commercial potential. Terrafugia has been actively testing the Transition for capabilities within the feasibility of this vehicle’s daily driving ability. The company wants to make this a commercial endeavor and has plans to offer the Transition to the public as early as 2011. Only time will tell if this invention will transition us into a new chapter of human history.
via CNN