
Forbes Releases World’s Most Powerful Women List

Women have come a long way since 1920 when they were first given the right to vote in American elections. Now, 90 years later, women across the country are heavily influencing the world’s politics, economy and social development.
In an effort to keep you motivated to study hard and pursue your dreams, here is a list of Forbes World’s Most Powerful Women.
Some of them might surprise you and also take note how many Americans are on the list!
1. Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States
2. Irene Rosenfeld, Chief Executive of Kraft Foods
3. Oprah Winfrey, Talk show host and media mogul
4. Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany
5. Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State of the United States
6. Indra Nooyi, Chief Executive of PepsiCo
7. Lady Gaga, Singer and performance artist
8. Gail Kelly, Chief Executive of Westpac
9. Beyonce Knowles, Singer and fashion designer
10. Ellen DeGeneres, Talk show host
11. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of the United States
12. Angela Braly, Chief Executive of Wellpoint
13. Janet Napolitano, Secretary of the United States Homeland Security
14. Cynthia Carroll, Chief Executive of Anglo American
15. Sheila Bair, Chair of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
16. Sarah Palin, Political maverick and commentator
17. Mary Schapiro, Chair of United States Securities and Exchange Commission
18. Ellen Kullman, Chief Executive of DuPont
19. Sonia Sotomayor, Supreme Court Justice of the United States
20. Ursula Burns, Chief Executive of Xerox
21. Angelina Jolie, Actor and UN Goodwill Ambassador
22. Katie Couric, News anchor
23. Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of United States Health & Human Services
24. Anne Lauvergeon, Chief Executive of Areva
25. Elena Kagan, Supreme Court Justice of the United States
26. Patricia Woertz, Chief Executive of Archer Daniels Midland Co.
27. Melinda Gates, Co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
28. Arianna Huffington, Founder and editor-in-chief of the Huffington Post
29. Madonna, Singer and fashion designer
30. Ho Ching, Chief Executive of Temasek Holdings
31. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Supreme Court Justice of the United States
32. Maria Ramos, Chief Executive of Absa Group Banks
33. Chelsea Handler, Talk show host and author
34. Tina Brown, Co-founder and editor-in-chief of The Daily Beast
35. Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, First Lady of France
36. Lynn Laverty Elsenhans, Chief Executive of Sunoco
37. Elizabeth Warren, Assistant to the President and Special Adviser to the Secretary of Treasury of the United States
38. Ana Patricia Botin, Chair of Banesto bank
39. Heidi Klum, Super model and producer
40. Meredith Vieira, News Anchor
41. Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom
42. Carol Bartz, Chief Executive of Yahoo!
43. Christine Lagarde, Finance Minister of France
44. Sallie Krawcheck, President of Global Wealth & Investment Management, Bank of America
45. Sarah Jessica Parker, Actor and fashion designer
46. Diane Sawyer, News anchor
47. Meg Whitman, Gubernatorial candidate California
48. Marina Berlusconi, Chair of Mondadori and Fininvest Group
49. Stephenie Meyer, Author of the Twilight Saga
50. Rachel Maddow, Talk show host
Who knows? Maybe one day you’ll see your name on the list!