
Former California Secretary of Education to Be Keynote Speaker at Biola Education Symposium

Former California Secretary of Education Glen Thomas will return to his alma mater to give the keynote address at a symposium hosted by the Biola University’s School of Education. Biola University is a private Christian college, whose mission is “to equip a generation of influential educators, focused on God’s calling, devoting their strengths, gifts and scholarship, to meet the needs of diverse students and to advance the Kingdom of God.”
The topic of the symposium is the future of education in California, particularly in light of the budget deficit and recent cuts made to education funding. The panel will also discuss the role for Christian education in promoting ethics, and upcoming legislation.
Other members of the panel include Western Region Vice President of the College Board Dr. Al Mijares, Superintendent of Norwalk La Mirada Unified School District Dr. Ruth Perez and Superintendent of East Whittier City Schools Dr. Joe Gillentine.
The symposium will be held at 7:00 PM on April 7, 2011 in Biola’s Mayers Auditorium.
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