
Frequently Asked Questions About the SATs and ACTs

Grockit is an online test prep and collaborative learning tool that allows students to practice tests in the three ways they naturally study – alone, with peers, and with experts. This guest blog was written by Jordan Schonig, a writer for Grockit.
It’s the ultimate showdown between the frightening acronyms: SAT or ACT? Which test should you take? On which test will you score better? You may and should have a lot of questions like these as standardized testing seasons rolls around.
First, find out which tests are accepted at the schools you’re applying to. You will rarely find a school that only accepts the ACT; the SAT is still the more standard of the two, and nearly all colleges accept it. Most colleges on the east and west coasts still require the SAT, though the acceptance of the ACT is steadily increasing.
It is your job to review the application requirements for each prospective school; if the wording is unclear, call the school.
If you’ve discovered that you have your choice between the two tests, you’ll want to learn a bit about each test and your strengths and weaknesses as a test taker. According to the test-makers, the SAT is a “reasoning-based” test and the ACT is a “knowledge-based” test. The SAT strives to test your ability to reason your way through tricky, and sometimes deliberately confusing–questions. The ACT, on the other hand, tests your expected knowledge accumulated through high school courses. Experts say that adept test-takers excel at the SAT, while exceptionally studious and industrious students excel at the ACT.
To really figure out which test is for you, however, don’t waste time trying to place yourself in one of these rigid categories, most of you are somewhere in between. The best way to make your decision is to try practice tests; identify which test you are more comfortable with and which test you score better on.
Before you begin exploring, though, here are some key differences in academic content that may aid your decision:
• The SAT tests vocabulary; the ACT doesn’t.
• The ACT’s writing section is optional; the SAT’s is mandatory though some colleges neglect your writing score.
• The ACT includes a scientific reasoning portion that tests your ability to analyze scientific data and research; the SAT doesn’t.
• The ACT’s math section includes trigonometry (about seven percent of the section); the SAT math section does not exceed algebra 2.
• The SAT penalizes wrong answers; the ACT doesn’t. Guess away.
Let these distinctions aid your decision-making, but be sure to experience each test before coming to a conclusion. Your high school should offer the PSAT and PLAN, the respective practice exams of the SAT and ACT.
If you happen to be a waffling overachiever who performs equally well on each test (thanks for making the rest of s look bad), taking both tests may be right for you. This way, the admissions office will accept the higher of the two scores. For most, though, one test is certainly enough.
Also read:

  • Good SAT score
  • SAT Test Day