
Freshmen Beware: Differences Between High School and College

Think college will be just like high school? Think again. Read these differences so you know what to expect come your first day of class.
You may have more time on your hands: Even full-time students come to find that they may only spend half of their day in class. Some schedules even allow for several hours in between classes. College freshman often get excited with all this free time and take on more than they can handle. Getting a part-time job or joining an extra-curricular activity is a great use of this time, but your college education comes first. Be sure to leave time to study and do homework.
Your professors won’t give you detention for skipping class: Some of them don’t care if you show up. Others will likely do roll call by having students sign in. A professor will not take the time to find out why you’re not coming to class. They may dock attendance points, but there isn’t a principal that will call your parents. Colleges and universities assume that since you are paying tuition, you’ll get your money’s worth, and go to class. Remember that you’re an adult now, so it’s up to you, not your parents or teachers, to make education your responsibility.

You’ll spend more time studying than doing homework: College grades are generally based more on test grades and quizzes than on homework. That’s not to say that homework isn’t important, but, ultimately, professors judge success in class by tests. Think seriously about joining a study group, and make your own study guide by taking detailed notes in class.
Weekends start on Thursday in college: This isn’t really a good attitude to have toward your academic career, but college students look to party come Thursday (dubbed by many as “Thirsty Thursday.” Clubs and bars typically offer cheap drink specials to get the college crowd to come out. My advice is, never go out if you have a test the next day, and don’t think that since you’re hungover, it’s acceptable for you to skip class.