
Going Veg this Fall? Cookbooks Here to Help

Being a vegetarian takes a lot more work than switching from pepperoni to cheese pizza. Getting the right balance of protein, fats and vitamins is an important and often overlooked element to staying healthy and succeeding academically. After all, the brain uses 20 times more energy than the same weight in muscle. For the college student who’s new to cooking or new to eating meat-free, having a guide in hand can be extremely valuable.
Here’s a quick round-up of vegetarian and vegan titles to consider:
1. The Starving Students’ Vegetarian Cookbook by Dede Hall
Easy recipes that can often be made in a single pan.
2. The Students’ Vegetarian Cookbook by Carole Raymond
Great for those new to vegetarianism, but many of the recipes require a well-equipped kitchen.
3. Vegetarian College Cooking by Megan and Jill Carle
Vegetarian versions of all your favorite comfort foods. Most are awesome, but a few don’t translate well to meat-free eating.
4. PETA’s Vegan College Cookbook by PETA
This book has lots of easy ideas, but some you probably don’t need a cookbook for–like PB&J.
5. Student’s Go Vegan Cookbook by Carole Raymond
Another success from Ms. Raymond, these recipes feature easy-to-find ingredients.
6. Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World by Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero
Perfect for your next bake sale fundraiser, these treats leave even non-vegans craving more.
Also Read:
Cooking Competition for Scholarships
Kendall College School of Culinary Arts Named Cooking School of the Year
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