
Google Docs Benefits for Students

Financially strapped college students spend enough time worrying about how to put gas in the car or even how to pay for lunch. Making sure you have the proper tools to get your education shouldn’t be one of those concerns, and often, software costs are prohibitive to the dorm budget.
However, the brilliant minds at Google have offered Google Docs for sometime as part of their Gmail service. Within Google Docs you have free access to create spreadsheets, documents and slideshow presentations. And better than the software you’d have on your desktop, you can access them from anywhere you access your Gmail – so no worries about computer crashes or leaving a paper at home.
These free programs come with all the functionality you’d expect from purchased software programs, plus a lot more accessibility. The interface is incredibly simple to use, as is sharing files with group members for shared contribution.
Recently added attributes, with the help of a few student interns at Google, include:
> Equation editor allows completion of problem sets online or within a written paper
> Addition of superscripts and subscripts
> Ability to translate 42 languages within a document
> Simple-to-use survey functionality with the forms document
> Ability to print footnotes as end notes in research papers

All you need is a Gmail account, which is also free, to get started.