
GradeFund Turns Good Grades into a Paycheck

Some people say that earning an education is a student’s main job. I have always had a problem with this saying because of one simple fact: earning good grades does not pay your electric bill, put food on your table, or help offset your student loans…unless, of course, you have a GradeFund account.
GradeFund is a revolutionary new social media site that allows family, friends, corporations, philanthropists, or anyone else who wants to sponsor a student to reward hard-working students with financial contributions.
How does it work? Basically, you create an account and invite sponsors to support you. At the end of each semester, you send your transcript to GradeFund, and then if you meet the qualifications set by your sponsors, you receive either a check in the mail or a credit to your school towards your tuition. Sounds pretty easy, right?
Alla, a student at the University of Virginia, said GradeFund “is so much better than high interest loans or impossible to win scholarships.”
I think she’s right. GradeFund allows sponsors to help students who are meeting their expectations in school, and also inspires students to work harder towards earning their education. It is a win-win situation.
According to GradeFund, this program is better than financial aid and scholarships because it rewards more students for their efforts and does not have limited funds. Obviously, GradeFund is superior to student loans because you never have to pay your sponsors back on GradeFund, so you do not graduate thousands of dollars in debt.
Although GradeFund does charge a five-percent transaction fee whenever you request a check for your funds, there is no cost to join or stay a member. GradeFund’s main goal is to “make a great education more affordable and more accessible” for all students. This is a great resource for anyone who could use a few extra dollars to offset the cost of their higher education. I plan on signing up for next semester, and actually making my education my job…paycheck included!