
Graduation Day Reflection

After a week of no school and having some time to catch up on lost sleep and lost time with friends, graduation is tomorrow! It’s weird to think that after four years of high school, the class of 2009 will finally be moving on to a new part in their lives.
Looking back to my freshman year, it’s funny yet great how much I’ve grown and learned over the past four years. Although, I heard that in the first six months of college you change more than you did all through high school. That makes for a rather interesting concept to think about. While tomorrow will be one of the most exciting times and something I will always remember, it also marks a passing. A passing into a new part of my life that will hold even more surprises and experiences than before. While some experiences may be bad, all of them will be learning experiences and something can be taken from anything you experience.
While I am excited for graduation day to come, I am also anxious to face what comes with this rite of passage. Moving away to college will mark a new beginning for me that will be exciting and scary at the same time. And while I know it may be a little frightening, I know so much will come of me going off and facing what all the world has to offer.