
Harvard to Allow ROTC Back on Campus

Harvard has been among many colleges that banned ROTC from their campuses in light of the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. Today, Harvard President Drew Faust is ending the ban by signing an agreement with Navy Secretary Ray Mabus to re-introduce the program.
Earlier this year, President Obama urged colleges to open their doors to military recruiters during his State of the Union address. “It is time to leave behind the divisive battles of the past. It is time to move forward as one nation,” he said.
The Reserve Officers’ Training Corps was banned from Harvard University 40 years ago, during the Vietnam War. A fuller recognition will take effect once the “don’t ask, don’t tell” repeal goes in law this summer. CNN reports that Harvard will appoint a director for the Navy ROTC program and active-duty Navy personnel will meet with students participating in the program on campus.
“(Navy) ROTC’s return to Harvard is good for the university, good for the military, and good for the country,” said Mabus, in a statement from the Navy. “With exposure comes understanding, and through understanding comes strength.”
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