
Is it Worth Having a Job in High School?

Having a job in high school is something I believe every kid should experience. It’s a time where little jobs are available (since most places prefer not to hire under a certain age because of the reputation teenagers have gotten,) but even the simplest of jobs are a great starting point and a great way to start building a resume. What I want to discuss though is whether or not it’s a good idea to have a job during the school year.
Summer jobs are a great way to keep you busy during the long vacation. Not all jobs require 30-40 hours and 5 days a week. Most jobs will hire you on as part-time which can be anywhere from 10-25 hours (I believe, it may vary depending on where you work) or some places even have a seasonal option, allowing you to return just when you want to work. Of course, some kids may be interested in keeping their job during the school year because either they really enjoy their job or just enjoy having extra money to spend from time to time.
Keeping a job though during the school can be a very difficult thing to manage, even working only a few nights a week for a couple of hours. I had a job this last year while I was trying to raise money for myself to go to NYC over spring break, and with my course load at school and all my other activities I was involved in outside of school, it wore me out. I spread myself thin doing so much. But if you aren’t as involved at school or don’t have a heavy course load like I do, and find you can handle having a job, I would highly recommend it! You can experience a lot of things when you have a job that you won’t be able to experience anywhere else!
Having a summer job is something I would highly recommend at least one summer during your high school years, and if you can handle it, than keep a job if you love it enough during the school year! Keep in mind that if your job begins to interfere with things such as grades/performance at school, than maybe having a job is too much and school should always come before a job.