
Help Students Learn on

Sometimes I get a really strong urge to help others. The problem is, I don’t always know how to go about doing it. Sometimes I volunteer in my community, but other times I simply make a donation.
How to choose which organization to donate to though? That’s another problem. Man, who thought trying to do a little good in the world could be so difficult?
Well, it can actually be very easy if you visit The organization is an award winning online charity where public school teachers across the country post classroom project ideas, and citizen philanthropists choose which ones to join.
Pretty cool, huh?
You can choose which classroom to help based off location, classroom subject, or urgency of the project. You can also choose how much to donate, whether it’s $5 or $5,000.
I received a gift card to and decided to donate to a classroom from my hometown that wanted books for kindergarten students to read. My contribution was matched by another foundation, which made me feel even better about donating.
Projects on range from needing new playground equipment to musical instruments for high school bands to new textbooks. You can select the project that sounds the most appealing to you, and with over 1,000 projects listed every day, you are sure to find something that tugs at your heart strings.
So if you want to make a donation to help students in your community or across the nation, check out today. You never know what your contribution could mean to someone else.