
Higher Ed Leaders: We Need a Cut of the Stimulus Package!

On December 16, higher education leaders from across the U.S. took out full page ads in the New York Times and the Washington Post to ask Congress and Barack Obama to include them in the proposed stimulus package that’s being drafted in Congress.
University presidents, chancellors, and other educational leaders called for the government to set aside five percent of the package for colleges and universities. They argued that for the first time in history, the younger generation is not more educated than the older generation, and that this could have serious repercussions for the economy. To remain economically competitive, they argued, colleges and universities need an investment of at least $40 million.
Sounds good to me. We’re bailing out banks and auto companies. Perhaps it’s time to bail out students who are suffering from the effects of budget cuts on their campuses, or who can’t afford to pay for college in the first place.