
Home Schooling is on the Rise in the U.S.

With the constant scrutiny that public schools are facing, there are a lot of concerns from parents. Many want to make sure their child or children have the best education possible, and a lot of public schools are not meeting the minimum state requirements. For those that cannot afford a private school education, home schooling has become a very attractive alternative.
According to CNN, the number of home schooled students has risen 74 percent since 1999. There have recently been some positive developments with schools improving their graduation rates and strengthening their curriculum. Some parents decided years ago to home school because of the public school curriculum lacking in certain areas and are sticking with it.

Minority groups are also on the rise where home schooling is concerned. Joyce Burges originally started home schooling her oldest son because of the options given to her when his grades started slipping. She didn’t want to send him to a different failing school so she decided to home school him. Now, she and her husband have started an organization that reaches out to minority parents who are new to home schooling called the National Black Home Educators. They offer resources that help minority parents who are home schooling.
The Leak family in Georgia decided to home school because the school their daughter was supposed to attend was on the verge of losing accreditation. This type of threat can be very alarming to parents so the Leaks started home schooling and using resources from the National Black Home Educators.
No matter what your reasons for considering home school, there are plenty of resources available. With more and more people taking over control of their children’s education, it’s important to have the right resources to use. Deciding to home school no longer requires your child be isolated from all school type activities. There are numerous resources available so that your children can receive a great education if you decide to give it to them at home.