
How to Be Successful at Networking Events

With graduation just around the corner, it won’t be long before you start the job hunt. You may be intimidated by those career fairs and other networking events, but lets face it, they can be your ticket to that much-needed pay day.
Don’t sweat it. Read these tips on how to impress those potential employers at your next career fair.
Resume: Don’t leave home without it, and don’t try to type it up the night before. Spend several hours on it, and be sure to use power words when you describe your acquired skills. Have your school’s career center look over your resume a couple of days before the career fair, so you will have time for re-dos.
Attire: Dress like you would if you were headed to an interview. For men, make sure you’re in a tailored or well-fitted suit. For women, keep away from flashy jewelry and low-cut blouses and short skirts.
Research: Know about the employers who will be there. Learn about their mission statements and the products/services they provide. If you are looking into a non-profit, understand how they improve your community and surrounding communities. If the employer asks, be prepared to explain why you want to work for that particular place of employment.
Demeanor: Be relaxed and confident. Know who you are and why you’re there. Firm hand shakes and ample eye contact shows that you are well-deserving and qualified for the position.
Finally, interviewers can tell if you’re nervous, so don’t psych yourself out when it’s your moment to shine. Be yourself, and be honest about your skills and job history. Also, be transparent about your needs and wants. If you show that you truly want and deserve a particular job, you’ll come out on top.
Via The Huffington Post
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