
How to Create a Haunted House in Your Dorm

Hosting the perfect haunted house in your dorm is all about creating that spooky ambiance. Think low-lighting, eerie music and gobs of fake blood.
Follow these tips to cram the perfect haunted house into your dorm.
The bedroom: Turn your sleeping area into a crime scene by lining the door with police tape. Purchase old bed sheets from Goodwill and smear them with fake blood. Strategically place the fake murder weapon in plain sight. To top it off, place a large sheet of black paper on the floor, and outline a “dead body” in chalk.
The living area: Play an old slasher movie on your TV. Dress up a family of skeletons and place them on the couch so it looks like they’re watching the movie.
The bathroom: Let your guests know that you have a sense a humor, and dress a large skeleton in jeans and a t-shirt. Place him on the toilet with his pants dropped. Prop up his arms and tape a newspaper to his hands so it looks likes he’s reading it.
The dining area: Place a witch’s cauldron on the dining room table. Fill with Mountain Dew, or any other potion-looking refreshment, and top it off with dry ice. Be sure to surround your cauldron with any other Halloween-themed goodies.
The kitchen: Get creative by stringing fake cobwebs on the cabinets, and fill your sink with fake spiders and other creepy crawlers. Place a large cooking pot on your stove top and fill it with water and fake, plastic body parts.
If you can manage to fit more friends into your dorm, have them as actors. Have one friend dress up as a mummy and have him or her jump out of a closet when the timing is right. You could also have a dressed-up witch serve refreshments from the cauldron.
Remember that Halloween is all about having fun, so even if you don’t truly scare your guests, showing them a good time is more important.
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