
How to Create the Ultimate Guy's Dorm Room

We invited the boys from to stop by and help us build this guide to the ultimate guy’s dorm room.
At, we specialize in finding stuff geared toward guys. So who better to help you outfit the ultimate guy’s dorm room than the guys at Snikl. While mom and dad might have had some input on what your bedroom looked like at home (or even the brother you shared with), your dorm room will be the first place you can freely express yourself without a lot of interference.
When it comes to a dorm room that really tells everyone you’re a guy (if they didn’t already know), you’re going to need a few things to help accomplish that. The only things that are probably off limits are a hot plate, because your RA will say so, and offensive incense, because you need to try to keep the peace with your roommate.
Seating. Sure, you’ve got the twin extra-long bed and the circa 1970s office chair. But if you really want to kick back after a long day on campus, give the Offi & Co. Coosh Lounge and Ottoman a try. Watch a movie, play video games, skim your biology book, or even call mom.
Playing. College isn’t all fun and games. Then again, it kind of is! Chill out between classes with the Wii. Unlike other video games, you’ll have to get up and move around a bit, possibly working off some of that freshman 15.
Remembering. Save the college scrapbooks for the sorority girls. You’ll want to save your memories the modern way, with an ultra cool Flip MinoHD camcorder. (We say go for the chrome!) This pocket sized camcorder can go anywhere and shoots 60 minutes worth of high quality HD video. When used appropriately, it will not get you in trouble on YouTube.
Eating. You’re going to need a microwave, and we wish we could tell you there were some new mind-blowing innovations there. If nuking burritos and ramen gets old, try this cookbook for men. “A Man, A Can, A Microwave” comes from the guys at Men’s Health and includes 50 basic recipes that you can prepare with a few simple ingredients. Mom will be so proud!
Decorating. You’re not going to have a lot of space. So be a man and keep it simple. Buy a quality print of your favorite movie or band poster (or even a cool vintage design), get a decent frame at the craft store and call it good.
Sleeping. Don’t go all Magnum PI on your bedding (i.e. shiny fake satin black comforter). You’ll scare off the ladies. As the girls would say, go with something “classic” and unoffensive that kind of just gets the job done – a comfy place to sleep. Most dorms will require twin extra-long bedding.
Connecting. Plugging in for the net is so old school. You’ll want an Apple Airport Express to connect to the Web or blast your tunes wirelessly for the entire hall to hear.
Drinking. If you are of legal drinking age (that’s 21 in the U.S.) and your dorm allows alcohol, you’ll definitely want to check-out this Beer Tender from Heineken. This will keep your five liter Heineken DraughtKeg perfectly chilled for up to 30 days of freshness.