
How to Get a Job with Your Liberal Arts Degree

Fears may start to set in once you’ve realized that your liberal arts degree may not be worth more than the piece of paper on which it was printed. When job hunting becomes a headache, you may wish that you had chosen a more practical, specialized degree.
Concern may linger over the heads of you English, history, psychology, and other liberal arts majors, but don’t panic. Your degree has equipped you with certain skills that can be quite useful. Follow these tips to market your degree, and get a job.
Find an internship that has nothing to do with your degree: Bulk up your resume by taking an internship at a finance company or a local bank. Future employers need to see that the general education you learned in college can be applied to practical job skills. Additionally, having that real-world experience shows that you are mature and ready to take future jobs seriously.
Broaden your education: Take a few specialized classes outside your major that are beyond the required electives. For instance, if you’re a liberal arts major with a knack for numbers, take business calculus or an economics class.
Broaden your job search: English majors are rarely novelists, and art history majors don’t always end up as curators at a museum. Once you realize your dream job is hard to get or doesn’t pay much, you’ll have to find a career in a more practical field. That doesn’t mean start the college process all over again. However, it may mean applying for an entry-level position with a large corporation or taking an administrative position at a small firm.
Show your potential employer that you can be versatile: Liberal arts majors have a well-rounded education, and their skills may vary from good writing skills to advanced problem solving. Don’t sell yourself short by only promoting the emphasis of your degree. Instead, show them the skills you learned in all of your classes, not just the core ones.
With the tough recession, we’ve become accustomed to poking fun at liberal arts degrees, but what you learned in those four years is to be valued. The general education you learned taught you how to communicate better and think critically. However, if you want your degree to work for you, you have to supplement its short comings with practical experience and specialized classes.
Via US News
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