
How to Have a Productive Spring Break

Let’s face it. As college students, we never get breaks. A lot of us have to use Spring Break as a time to get caught up on the tasks that are impossible to complete when school is in session.
If you know you’ll want to get your to-dos out of the way, check out ways you can make your Spring Break even more productive.
Make a list: Start by jotting down your most important honey-dos. Think about all those errands you’ve been wanting to take care of. Maybe you need to get your oil changed, or maybe you haven’t had time to file your tax return. Whatever your to-do list consists of, you’ll feel better knowing that you took care of those tasks before going back to school.
Make appointments: Whether it be your dentist, auto mechanic or hairstylist, start making appointments with them now so you can knock them out during your Spring Break. Some doctors’ offices might already be booked up for the week. See if you can get referrals to other doctors that have open slots.

Spring cleaning: Cleaning out your dorm or bedroom can often get your mind off of school stress. Plus, it’s a relief to know that everything is in its place after a thorough cleaning. So, wash your sheets, dust your book shelves, and organize your closet while knowing it’s better than the other kind of homework.
Decorate your dorm: Hang those photos that have been collecting dust in your closet, or get a new bed spread and curtain set. Turn your drab and dreary room into a space that is relaxing and cozy. If you make your room a pleasant living space, you’ll be more inclined to stay in and study rather than hanging out in the student rec hall.
Enroll in classes: It may be too early to enroll for next fall, but Spring Break is the perfect time to enroll in summer classes. See if your adviser is available to meet you during the vacation. He or she may also be able to give you a heads up on next fall’s schedule.
No matter how hectic your Spring Break gets with errands, remember that the week is also time for you to get some much-needed rest and relaxation. From all of us here at EDU, please give yourself some time to unwind during your break.
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