
How to Make Your Long-Distance Relationship Survive the Summer

Spending all summer away from your college boyfriend or girlfriend? Whether it be studying abroad or going home to family, you may have doubts about whether or not your relationship can last those agonizing three months. Though challenging, if you can stick it out through the summer, your trust in each other will grow exponentially.
If you want to make it work, read these tips on how stay close, even if your miles away:
Skype: It’s free to set up, and all you need is an Internet connection and a web cam. Talking on the phone isn’t enough. Face-to-face interaction through Skype will give you a closeness you can’t get with texts and emails.

Don’t make promises you can’t keep: Don’t promise your significant other that you will call, text and write all the time, when you have no intention of doing so. Come to a communication agreement and put yourselves on a schedule that you both can keep.
Have long-distance dates: Watch a the same movie together, and comment about it over the phone. Skype while cooking the same meal, and eat it at the same time. I know, it sounds cheesy, but believe it or not, it’s the next best thing to the real deal.
Say the “L” word whenever possible: That is, if you’re in that stage of the relationship. You can never say “I love you” enough. Not seeing each other daily may have you questioning whether the two of you are meant to be together. However, just saying that one simple phrase will make you both want to stick it out.
Don’t ruin each other’s summers: Encourage each other to go out and have fun. A couple should not feel chained to their cell or computer, waiting for the other one to contact them. You’ll both be miserable sitting at home missing each other, so get out and forget about the distance between you two.
Meet in the middle: If feasible, figure out away to meet each other mid-summer, in a location that is in between you two. Whether it be for a weekend or a week, seeing each other will reignite enough chemistry to last until fall.
We often hear of long-distance relationships failing, but I think that’s due to a lack of trust and little communication. It’s easy to loose sight of what’s important when your miles away. Constantly accusing each other of cheating, just because you’re both are apart, is the quickest way to sabotage the relationship. Have faith in each other, and keep in touch, and you’ll still be together come fall.
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