
How to Nail a Job Interview

In today’s job climate, it can take applying to over 50 or more jobs before you land one interview. With such a drastic shortage of jobs, it’s very important to make the most of each and every interview opportunity you might receive.
There are so many people out of work that an interview is really your only chance to stand out, make a great first impression, and highlight your skills. Below are some tips to do just that, and hopefully land your dream job.
Know your resume: Make sure your resume is tailored to match the job description you’re applying for and you know it inside and out. The interviewer will likely ask you questions based directly on what your resume says, so it would be in your best interest to be ready to discuss anything on it.
Be honest: Answer every question honestly. If you’re unsure of an answer or don’t have direct experience in an area the interviewer is asking about, say so. If you are unsure about a question, make a point to mention that you are willing to learn or be trained in that particular area. It will go over much better than lying and being found out later in the interview.
Bring copies of your resume: You want to always be prepared, and there could be additional people sitting in on the interview that you didn’t anticipate. Have at least five copies of your resume with you to hand out, and make sure they are free of any spelling or grammar errors.
Research the company: In every interview I’ve ever gone on, the first question has usually been what I know about the company. Make sure you have a good wealth of knowledge about the company that you’re interviewing for, and how you can be a great addition to the team. You don’t have to know everything about the company, but make a point to browse the company website and pull out some important tidbits. It’s also good to be prepared to ask questions during your interview, it shows your interest in the company.
Use previous experience: When answering the interview questions, try to draw on work-related situations that are relevant to the job you are interviewing for. Keep everything professional and avoid using personal examples.
Stay positive: Whether you’re being asked about previous bosses, coworkers or work environment, don’t be negative. You don’t want to come off as the type of employee who has a negative attitude, so even if you hated your boss, talk about the good parts of working for them, or what you learned from the situation.
Every job is a step forward on your career path, so take every interview seriously. If you separate yourself from the crowd, you’ll get hired, so come prepared.
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