
How to Prevent the Freshman 15

For a college freshman, the myths that surround their new lifestyles seem to abound. You really do have to go to class, you don’t get to drink beer all day, and your parents will still know what’s going on.
One thing that is most definitely not a myth and will catch up with you faster than shower fungus is the Freshman 15, or the Freshmen 15. It’s very real, very unhealthy, and totally avoidable.
What is it? It’s this 15 or so pounds that college freshmen pack on. Their lifestyles completely change from their home environments. Their sleep habits are off, they’re probably not taking a gym class, and their diet consists of soda, pizza and whatever they can grab with their meal points while cruising through the student union.
How do you avoid it? By doing the opposite of everything mentioned above. The college student lifestyle is a chaotic one, and so that’s easier said than done.
Students can also:

  • Avoid Fast-Food
  • Pack Healthy Snacks
  • Eat a Healthy Lunch
  • Get Plenty of Sleep
  • Drink Water
  • Limit Alcohol
  • Walk or Bike to Campus

Read on for even more tips on how to avoid the freshman 15.