
How to Recover From Academic Probation

Academic probation isn’t a good thing, but it’s not something you can’t recover from. Academic probation happens when a student lets their grade point average fall below a predetermined number set by the school. There can be different academic criteria even within the same college. For example the overall school GPA may be one thing, but to keep your scholarship, or qualify for a certain field of study, the number may be higher. For some, the slip into academic probation is casual but for others, one semester of too much partying and you’re there. No matter what the scenario, if you find yourself on academic probation, there are a few things you can do to get yourself back on track.

  • Go to class, go to class, go to class: Many times the culprit for bad grades is missing class. Many professors offer participation points to students just for showing up. Even if they don’t, going to class every day will keep you involved in your studies. You will get information that you could miss out on by skipping and going will help you know exactly what you need to study for the tests. Going to class will help you absorb the information that you are being taught which will help improve your chances at a high grade.
  • Study hard: Simply going to class isn’t going to insure that you know the material. When you have a test coming up, study for it. Make sure you apply yourself and thoroughly go over the material you will be tested over. Also, if you study throughout the semester, you won’t be forced to cram large amounts of info the night before a test or final exam. No matter how much of your grade the test is worth, study for it like it’s the most important test you will take.
  • Track your grade: Between homework assignments, quizzes and tests, professors will grade your work and hand it back to you in class, or at least show you your scores. Keeping track of the grades you get on these assignments from the very beginning will tell you how you’re doing in the class. You will always know where you stand and what grade you have if you keep a tab of the points you’ve earned in the class. This will help you avoid any surprises mid-way or at the end of the semester. Knowing how you’re doing will allow you to gauge what you may need to do to make changes before it’s too late.
  • Schedule time for everything: At the beginning of the semester, look at all your class syllabi and map out when tests are along with when big projects are due. This will help you avoid stressing out later because there are three 10 page papers due within one week of each other. If you have larger projects or writing assignments, start working on those long before they are due. That way you can do a little at a time and still have time for other class obligations. These time management skills will help you stay focused, and also be very handy when you join the working world.
  • Limit party time: Staying out late on week nights, or even weekends, can be detrimental to your GPA. You don’t have to avoid it completely, but it’s important to remember that you are in school to learn, not to have a good time. Limit partying and socializing, especially if that’s what has gotten you put on academic probation. Only go out if you’ve gotten your homework and projects done, and avoid doing things that will tempt you to skip class the next day. If you’re the type of person that can’t limit your partying it might be better that you avoid it all together.

Doing some of these things may be hard, but you’ll find they are essential to helping you raise your grades and recover from academic probation.