
How to Stay in Shape in College

As a college freshman, one of the biggest transitions you face in moving from high school to college is your health and physical shape. Too many students give in to the constant buffet of pizza, soda, poor sleeping habits and fairly inactive lifestyle (save for trekking from the financial aid office to the bookstore). Thus, they become victim to the freshman 15. It’s completely avoidable though, you just have to make it a priority to include activity into your daily schedule.
Some of the many ways to can incorporate more activity in your day on campus include:

  • Intramural sports
  • Take advantage of the campus gym
  • Join a community gym
  • Walk or bike to and on campus
  • Take the stairs in the dorms or lecture halls
  • Take a walk or jog to clear writer’s block

Learn more about how to stay fit and active in college.