
How to Study for International Baccalaureate Tests

A lot of International Baccalaureate (IB) students wonder what the easiest way to study for IB tests is. I’ve heard a lot of juniors, who begin their testing this year, asking a few seniors how they studied for their first round of IB tests. Thinking about and hearing the students asking about studying for the tests really made me question the easiest way to study for the upcoming IB tests.
The more I think about it, the more I realize there is really only one way to study for the IB exams. There is no study guide or deck of flashcards you can use, but rather all your notes and materials teachers have given you over the past one or two years. Reviewing all major topics discussed in your classes and also little details your teacher more than likely pointed out as an important part of the topic is going to be the easiest way to prepare properly for the IB exams.
Be sure to review everything, but focus mainly on things you struggled with throughout the year. If you can’t seem to understand something well enough, do not hesitate to ask your teacher! There are also IB books available online at the store, which can only be purchased online. Be sure to get these with plenty of time to spare since they have to ship overseas if you live here in the United States. Some teachers I know even require students to purchase these books for the class.
So while I wish I was able to give a more concrete answer to how you can better study for the IB tests, the best answer I can give is study anything and everything that you have from your class. And be sure to get any help you may need, you can never be sure what will pop up on test day.