
How to Throw the Best New Years Eve Party

New Years Eve is almost here. You could go out to the clubs and bars with your friends and spend a lot of money, or you could host a party at your home! Here are some things to keep in mind if you are planning on throwing a New Years party!
Have a Theme. Okay, there’s the obvious “See Ya 2010, Hello 2011” theme, but what about getting more creative? You could make your party’s theme be anything from old-school Hollywood to black-and-white-attire only to a pajama party or to a New York City themed party. It’s always more fun when everyone has to dress up in a costume- just make sure yours will be the best. For more ideas for unique party themes, check out these ideas!

Have Some Snacks. If you are 21 or older, chances are you’ll be drinking some bubbly this New Years and might want some munchies to keep your BAC under control. Even if you aren’t 21, there’s never anything wrong with some snack food. Try these delicious and easy recipes:
Cheesy Oven Fries
Bean Dip
Peanut Butter Finger Sandwiches
Sweet and Nutty Trail Mix

Have Some Fun. This one might seem obvious, but when you have a large group of people who are just sitting around your living room, waiting for the ball to drop, things can get slightly boring. So, have some organized fun! Bring out the board games (Apples to Apples is always a safe bet) and group games, such as Twister and Truth or Dare. These activities will keep your guests from staring at the clock and counting the minutes until they can go to sleep.
Happy New Years to everyone! If you’re having trouble thinking of a New Years’ Resolution, check out our list of resolutions and goals for 2011!