
Huma Abedin Educational Background: What College did Huma Abedin Attend?

The ex-wife of scandalized Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin is a lot of things: a mother, a practicing Muslim, and the vice chairwoman for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. She has been characterized as indispensable to the former first lady and holds the title of “Traveling Chief of Staff.” This seems to be more than just media assumptions. In a 2007 Vogue article, Clinton was quoted as saying, ““Huma Abedin has the energy of a woman in her 20s, the confidence of a woman in her 30s, the experience of a woman in her 40s and the grace of a woman in her 50s… I am lucky to have had her on my team for a decade now.” Judging by Abedin’s recent promotion, those positive thoughts remain in place nine years later. Huma Abedin comes from a family of academics; both parents hold doctorates from the University of Pennsylvania. With this background in mind, it should not be surprising that Abedin earned her own college degree.
One of three children born to Sayed Abedin and Saleha Abedin, Huma moved from Kalamazoo to Saudi Arabia at just two years old. This time in the Middle East gave her a unique perspective issues plaguing Muslim minorities. After graduating primary education, Huma returned to the United States to attend George Washington University. A private research university in the Foggy Bottom neighborhood of DC, GWU was established at the behest of our first president. During her time there, Huma worked as both a White House intern and a member of various Islamic-centric organization. After her college graduation, Huma quickly moved into a career in the political realm.