
Immigration Law Puts Charlie Brown Play on Hold

One Alabama high school will have to put its production of “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown” on hold due to the crack down on immigration.
Pelham High School had to put a stop to its spring musical because a New York licensing house, which owns the rights to the play, didn’t sign a document obligatory under the immigration law.
However, following inquires from the Associated Press, Tams-Witmark Music Library Inc. conceded and signed the necessary document.
As part of the immigration law, all companies working with local or state governments in Alabama must sign sworn documents that maintain employers don’t knowingly hire illegal immigrants.
Even though the necessary documents were finally signed by Tams-Witmark Music Library Inc., the school will a face another road block. It will still have to purchase the rights to the play, which could cost over $1,200.

With weeks of rehearsals underneath their belts, student actors became frustrated after they found out that their instructors were forced to bring the play to a halt.
“They, and their teachers, have already put in many hours of preparation and hard work to have it taken away from them because of politics,” said Donna Vildibill, whose son Andy was to play Schroeder in the musical. “As usual, it’s the children that get the raw end of any deal in Alabama.”
The immigration law, created to keep illegal immigrants from working and living in Alabama, has caused some misunderstanding since it was mandated. Cindy Warner, a spokeswoman for schools in that part of the state, said that the New York company only needed to submit a form stating it doesn’t employ anyone in Alabama.
As for the students and teachers at Pelham, they are preparing for an alternative show in case the matter isn’t resolved in time for opening night.
Via The Huffington Post
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