
Increase Your Chances of Landing a Job After Graduation, guest blogger Kristin Davie is a recent Marist College graduate. She maintains her own blog, Cap And Gown Countdown, where she offers job search tips and tricks for college students and unemployed professionals.
In high school, students are encouraged to become well-rounded individuals in the hope of securing that coveted college acceptance letter. It’s a lesson that everyone should be sure to pack along with those photos from prom and Bob Marley poster. After all, college is a new chapter filled with blank pages, and future employers will want to know what you choose to fill them with (and no, your favorite shot glass doesn’t count).

Here are a few tips for turning four years into a formidable resume:
• Keep the grades up – Mom always said school comes first and she was right. Grade point average, academic societies and scholastic awards are often listed at the top of resumes and are quite literally the first thing seen by employers. Why not make a great impression?
Collect internships – Field experience is a surefire way to impress employers and land an entry-level position after graduation. Try to intern with two or three different companies and get a taste for your declared field. Many colleges have designated internship coordinators within the different schools of study to help you find the right internship that fits your schedule.
• Volunteer your time – Whether through an organization like Habitat for Humanity or as part of a sorority or fraternity, volunteer work is a great addition to your resume, not to mention it does a soul good. Visit your campus activity fair to learn about different opportunities.
• Let your personality shine – Believe it or not, employers are interested in your passions and interests. Attend different clubs’ new member meetings or start one of your own. Join a campus committee or play an intramural sport. The possibilities are endless.
Talk about a memorable college career (and a future interview)!