
Indianapolis College Students Are Upset About Losing Parking Spaces During the Super Bowl

Many college students would gladly welcome a few days off from classes in order to attend the Super Bowl; however, for students at Indiana University Purdue University – Indianapolis, this is what is happening, but they are not happy about it. The school recently announced that it will be selling 4,000 parking spots on its campus on the days surrounding the Super Bowl and that they will also be canceling some classes so that students and staff members can enjoy the festivities.
“I think the Super Bowl is great for the city,” said Chris Gault, a student at IUPUI. “I just think that it shouldn’t hinder our education. It seems the school is putting the outsiders and the Super Bowl attendees before the students and their educations.”
For some students, another major offense in this issue is that they will lose their parking spots for a few days. Parking at IUPUI is notoriously difficult, so I can understand why the students would be upset about losing ¼ of their 16,000 spaces.
“[The school is] selling our parking spaces that are paid permit holder spaces,” said Andrew Reno, another student. “A lot of us have taken out loans to pay for our classes, and now we’re being given less time in the classroom.”
Rich Schneider is a spokesman for the school. Schneider says that the university will be quite busy during Super Bowl Weekend, so the school is just trying to do what is best for the students by allowing professors to decide whether to cancel classes on the Friday before and the Monday after the game. The only two days when the parking spaces will not be available will be on the Saturday and Sunday of Super Bowl Weekend.
“(We’re) trying to make it as easy as possible on students by not requiring them to attend face-to-face classes if their professor thinks that’s best,” Schneider said. “We didn’t want to have students stuck in traffic and not be able to get to a class and then be penalized in some fashion for missing that class.”
In my opinion, the students who are really upset about this should calm down, grab some snacks, and enjoy the game with their friends. It is not every day that the Super Bowl comes to your city, so just enjoy it! But, that’s just my opinion. What do you think?
Via The Indy Channel