Logo Offers Realistic Views of Internships

Internships are a critical part of the college experience for most students. You are supposed to learn what your “big kid job” will be like after college by interning at a company in your field and gaining invaluable first-hand experience.
Unfortunately, not all internships actually offer students this experience. When I interned at an advertising agency, I ended up mailing letters and buying coffee all day, every day. Not an ideal learning experience. I wish that I had known about when I applied for my internship because then I might have found a better internship. was created to allow students “to reveal and critique the intern world” by offering firsthand account of their internship experiences, which other students can read and learn from. allows future interns to browse companies by location, industry, or company name.
Interns can rate a company in four main areas: networking opportunities, salary or compensation, letter of recommendation, and fair hours. Interns can also write personalized reviews to retell their own experiences and advise others about the company they interned with.
This website is a wonderful resource for anyone who is interested in working as an intern. The personalized reviews from other interns offer a realistic description of the companies and can help future interns pick the right internship for themselves.
– Real advice and opinions about which internships are “worth the coffee,” and will actually benefit you in your professional career
– Complete anonymity allows users to give completely honest reviews without fear of repercussions.
– Free service to all users
– There is no real way to verify if someone is telling the truth about their internship experience
– There are not listings for every city.