
New Jersey School Drops the 'D'

Students in Mount Olive, New Jersey, will no longer earn D grades. A school board meeting on Monday night determined that the grade will no longer be used. “I’m tired of kids coming to school and not learning and getting credit for it,” said Superintendent Larrie Reynolds in a Daily Record report. “We intend to be the beacon of excellence in Morris County.”
From now on, students will see A, B, C and F on their report cards. The new policy means that any grade under a 70 will be failing, and will be applied to high school and middle school students. Not all residents are happy with the change. “I applaud your effort to raise the bar,” said one resident to Reynolds. “I disagree 100 percent with your philosophy.”

However, the tactic has worked in the past. In Kentucky, students responded so well to the D grade being cut that the school decided to cut the C grade as well.
Via NBC.
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