
Jobs with the Highest Depression Rates

It doesn’t matter if you’re 10, 21 or 55; it’s hard to decide what career path you want to take. Personally, I have changed my mind at least a dozen times. The only things that consistently keep me happy are my family and my writing. Speaking of being happy with your job, did you know that some careers are more likely to produce depressed workers? Although it’s true, that doesn’t mean I’m discouraging anyone from pursuing these higher-than-normal depression-causing careers. Hundreds of factors can contribute to the cause of depression, so it’s important not to choose your career based off this list. However, it’s some interesting trivia and may prove helpful for those of you who are already susceptible to the blues.
Child Care and Nursing Home Workers Almost 11 percent of the nursing home and child care workforce report having symptoms of depression. This particular field can be very rewarding, but it’s important to remember that the caregivers often do tremendous amounts of work for people that are unable- or in some cases, unwilling- to provide praise and thanks. For many people, the stress of this job piles up over the years.

Food Service Employees Food and customer service are definitely among the most frustrating jobs. Waiters often deal with very rude people and are always under a tremendous amount of stress. Although the field claims a 10 percent depression-rate, a startling 15 percent of the women in food service report feelings of depression.
Social Workers Day after day of encountering families in the middle of crises makes it clear why this career is towards the top of the list.
Health Care Professionals Doctors and nurses have excruciatingly long hours coupled with large amounts of pressure and responsibility. Their daily lives subject them to sickness and death, both of which can provide an easy door for depression.
Entertainers, Writers and other Artists Creative careers rarely offer a steady source of income. Isolation and eccentricities can make it hard to diagnose symptoms of depression and mood disorders in this group of people as well. If you’re like me, and the millions of other creative individuals in the world, it’s important to recognize when you’re in a groove and when you’re in a mood. It’s easy for artists to lose themselves in their own world, which is probably why they have a 9 percent rate of major depression.
Other careers on the Top 10 list were:

  • Teachers
  • Administrative Support
  • Maintenance Workers
  • Accountants
  • Sales