
Kansas State Senior Wins Texting Competition

Image via Kansas State Collegian
Amanda Mitchem learned it pays to be able to text fast. The senior at Kansas State University won $1,000.00 in the U.S. Cellular Speed Texting Contest at the Kansas state fair this weekend. Mitchem made it through four rounds before claiming her prize. “I was very excited,” she said. “It was a shock.”
The competition is judged on accuracy in addition to speed. Contestants had to text a phrase to a specific number as soon as it appeared on a display.
Michem’s younger brother, who also competed, is sharing in the glory for helping his sister advance. “I thought I lost the first round, but he actually noticed a mistake that the computer guys missed. So, they re-looked at and they realized I had won that round,” she told KTKA.
Mitchem plans to take her brother to dinner as a thank you, and use the rest of her prize money on car payments.
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