
Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas Nominated to be the Next HHS Secretary

I never thought the Governor of Kansas could be part of Obama’s new team in the White House. Guess I was mistaken! According to a source from the White House, Governor Sebelius was announced as nominee today to be the next Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary.
Sebelius was originally one of Obama’s finalists to be his running mate, but pulled out of the race to focus on Kansas and its economic state at the time. She didn’t pull herself out of Obama’s options completely. Many believe she is a solid choice for the HHS Secretary because of what she has accomplished as the Governor of Kansas. She has been responsible for the Medicaid program here in Kansas, faced the pressure of rising care costs in a very direct manner, and has seen how difficult it can be to spread health care when the economy is facing rather difficult times.
So obviously her experience made her an ideal nominee for Obama. Not only does she have experience in health care, but also with the insurance industry. Some do not agree with her views, one of which is that she supports abortion rights, but looking at all her other credentials, I believe that is something that can be over looked. She will not make the laws, Obama will. So everything she proposes will have to go through Obama first.
I am excited to have Governor Sebelius be nominated for this position. I hope she receives it and does an outstanding job!