
Kellyanne Conway Educational Background: Is She Educated Enough to Advise?

Recently appointed as a counselor to President-Elect Trump, Kellyanne Conway will assume her new governmental role on January 20th of 2017. Currently, she’s an American Republican, pollster, and strategist. Conway also serves as CEO of The Polling Company. When away from her pet project, she can be seen moonlighting as a political commentator on Fox Business, Fox News, and CNN. Before being nominated to her current position, Kellyanne served as President-Elect Trump’s campaign manager; when he secured the presidency, Conway also became the first woman in US history to successfully head a presidential campaign. Read on to find out just where this mother of four, and co-author of What Women Really Want: How American Women Are Quietly Erasing Political, Racial, Class, and Religious Lines to Change the Way We Live, completed her education.
Her story begins on January 20th 0f 1967 in Camden, New Jersey. Her story wasn’t exactly all white picket fences. Her parents divorced when she was just three, leaving her to be raised by her mother and two aunts. She never complains about her broken family, however, and seems highly-appreciated of the women who helped raise her. In 1985, Kellyanne graduated from St. Joseph High School. This private school, fixated on promoting the Catholic faith, currently serves about 400 students in grades nine to twelve.
Setting her sights on a career in law, Conway enrolled in Trinity College to pursue a B.A. in political science. Just by being accepted, no small feat at this highly-selective liberal arts school, Kellyanne showed herself to be a true academic. She graduated from that same school, with highest honors, in 1989. Without taking a break, she enrolled at George Washington University’s Law School to complete her J.D. Without a doubt, during her time there, she likely experienced one of the 400 student organizations that the highly-rated private school had to offer. That final degree marked the end of Conway’s career in higher education.
At this time, she’s expressed no desire to return to school.