
Llotja de la Seda Valencia - Spain

Hey everyone! I am currently in Valencia, Spain, a beautiful city located right on the Mediterranean Sea. I will be vacationing here for a week before my classes start.

Valencia is home to La Lonja. La Lonja is a Gothic style building that was built in the late 15th century and served as a cultural hot spot. People came from across the country to conduct trade and socialize.
La Lonja is a huge building that can seen from blocks away; however, if you are awful with directions like me, you might get lost for three hours before you find it. But once you do find it, the gorgeous architecture and garden take your breath away. If you would like to see La Lonja for yourself, check out my (completely unprofessional) video tour above!
I think Llotja de la Seda was one of the most beautiful buildings I have ever seen, but Spain is filled with beautiful, historic sites, so stay tuned and I’ll bring you more from my European study abroad!
Facts About La Longa:

  • La Lonja means Silk Exchange. This describes the commercial nature of La Lonja.
  • La Lonja has a Gothic style architecture. It is one of the oldest buildings in Spain and is a World Heritage Site.
  • La Lonja was built between 1482 and 1548.
  • Since Spain has been home to three main religious groups (Muslims, Christians, and Jews), there are many buildings that are designated for each particular religion. La Lonja is not one of these buildings. The Latin inscriptions on the wall of the main room declare La Lonja to be a commercial place for everyone.
  • This is the translation of the Latin text: “I am an illustrious house built in fifteen years. Try and See, fellow-citizens, how negotiation is such a good thing when there is no lie in the speech, when it swears to the neighbour and does not deceive him, when it does not lend money with an interest charge for its use. The merchant who acts this way will prosper galore and at the end he will enjoy the eternal life.”

Read also:

  • Let’s Go to Spain!