
LA Superintendent Turns Down Pay Raise

John Deasy was appointed to the position of the superintendent of the Los Angeles Unified School District in January, and will take office on April 15. More than 5000 teachers and other school employees were laid off just a few weeks ago by the district. In light of the difficult budget cuts and layoffs, Deasy has requested to keep his pay level at his current salary.
“As such, given our current circumstances, at this time I respectfully will not accept the salary offered in your contract,” Deasy wrote in an email to school board members last week. The board has voted to make over $400 million worth of budget cuts. According to A.J. Duffy, president of the teachers union, Deasy’s current salary as the deputy superintendent is $275,000. The salary for the superintendent is $330,000 dollars annually.
The move has earned Deasy praise from the teachers union leader. “Bravo John, you did the right thing,” said Duffy.
Via CNN and KTLA. Image via
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